
Zowee 2025, Embraces the Internet of Everything, Leads Made in China and Supports Global Innovation.
Focus on providing value for customers constantly, create differentially competitive products,
Open innovation laboratory configuration prototype manufacturing, electronics assembly related equipment and tools, for members to share resources.
With the approaching of Industry 4.0, the core lies in keeping improving enterprise innovation and system efficiency in the transformation and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing.
Combined with IE lean manufacturing, introduced with the JIT feeding mode, reduced by relevant intermediate links of material delivery
Dedicating to enriching life and improving efficiency through a better IoT world
Lingoes is an open source hardware platform that can be used as a many peripheral for stand-alone operation.
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Automation Development provides equipment solutions for automated and semi-automated assembly and test of your product.

Zowee excels in providing automated assembly, test and packaging solutions for large, industry-leading companies. Let us develop an integrated system for you to solve an assembly problem, improve production or help control resources.
Automation Development provides equipment solutions for automated and semi-automated assembly and test of your product. Equipment may integra⭕te vision sensors, robotics, motion control, material handlers and differen♉t assembly methodologies. 

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